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Joanna Britton

Joanna Britton graduated from Oxford University in 2007 with a first class degree in Modern Languages and Literature, followed by a Master’s in Women’s Studies with a focus on German literature. For a number of years she was a teaching assistant in the English Linguistics Department at Ghent University, where she established a masters student teaching assistant programme, and worked to integrate holistic approaches to speaking and presentation skills within the BA English language classes. 

In 2021 she turned to research at the AP University College of Applied Sciences in Antwerp where she now divides her time between policy work and research into multilingualism in the performing arts at the Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp, and researching a project-based approach to CLIL in Flanders as part of the CLIL’fluential-project in the AP teacher-training department. She is also a freelance translator and editor working in the cultural and academic fields. 
