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This research project focuses on gaining theoretical and empirical understanding of the impact of team teaching. Team teaching is a collaborative teaching model in which two or more teachers work together in the preparation, teaching and/or evaluation of a lesson/subject. Despite the popularity of team teaching as a promising strategy - both in research and in teaching practice - there is scant empirical evidence convincingly demonstrating the effectiveness of team teaching.


Taking into account the gaps in the current state-of-the-art and the clear demand for evidence formulated by the field, this project aims to gain insight into the effects of team teaching on students and teachers. To achieve this goal, four lines of research will be initiated: (1) a large-scale questionnaire study, (2) a video-based observation study, (3) a quasi-experimental study, and (4) an intervention study. These lines of research will result in four evidence-based products: (1) a Flanders-wide professional learning community, (2) an online knowledge platform, (3) a professionalization program, and (4) a white paper with policy recommendations on team teaching.

Added value

Methodologically, this SBO project clearly distinguishes itself from the current research field by large-scale research that goes beyond perception, by integrating more direct measures of measurement and a quasi-experimental component. As such, the proposed lines of research provide groundbreaking theoretical insights and take empirical research on team teaching to the next level. The proposed products offer answers to urgent needs formulated by the Flemish educational field in general and a diverse and large group of already committed stakeholders in particular. The project is carried out by a consortium of experts from AP Hogeschool, Artevelde Hogeschool, Ghent University and the University of Antwerp.