Het voorbije jaar vond het postgraduaat 'Immersive Storytelling' plaats. In dit postgraduaat leerden deelnemers hoe ze boeiende verhalen kunnen vertellen in Virtual, Augmented en Mixed Reality, welke mogelijkheden er zijn om VR in te zetten in je onderneming en hoe ze een VR-wereld kunnen ontwikkelen.
Als eindwerk maakten de studenten een VR-beleving op basis van de creatieve en technische kennis die ze leerden rond storytelling, immersieve ervaringen en productie.
Bekijk hier de projecten:
The Maze
You wake up in a dark, grey room in a mental hospital (madhouse). You have a black eye, a bandage on your head and a garland full of flowers around your neck. You discover that that you’re struck with amnesia. You don’t know what happened to you and who you are any more. To get out of this situation, you must go on a trip deep into the maze/mental hospital/your brain to recover your memory and find the exit.
Gecreëerd door Koen De Vos, Leen Minne en Merel Steeland
Become Bo
We all experience it from time to time: that it just becomes too much. Then we retreat to a safe place for a while. And we can quickly move on. But for some people, it very often becomes too much very quickly. Their senses are always in alarm mode. Their minds are constantly on alert. Can you imagine that? That is why we will let you feel it. Get inside Bo's head. And experience what happens. And how someone like Bo tries to keep going. Become Bo for a while. And understand more about the life of someone who is easily over-stimulated.
Gecreëerd door Fauve Vanoverschelde, Lou Verwimp, Yasmine Wauthier en Ynse Andries
Redneck Redemption
In this absurd story-driven game, you are Donald, a 40-year-old pest exterminator. Ten years ago, Donald tried to kill a spider in an unusual way, by burning it with a lighter and a can of hairspray. Things went out of control and the house burned down. Donald's parents, who already thought he was a deadbeat of the worst kind, kicked him out of the house. Since that day, he's looking for redemption by working as a pest exterminator, taking the fight to the little creatures that are the source of all his misfortunes. He still hasn't forgiven by his family and he's still seen as an outcast of the community, no matter how many spiders he kills. One day, when he's out on a routine job, things are about to change. Donald enters a mysterious attic, equipped with his flashlight, hammer, and a spray can. The attic hides old memories. Strange things happen when his worst enemy appears in a new shape.
Gecreëerd door Lisa Willems, Kurt D'Haeseleer en Thibaut van ‘t Hof
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